Thursday, December 13, 2012

Extending Software

I took video clips of me making a taco dinner and put them together with effects I learned to use while messing around with the software. I also didn't use any sound in this video as there was to much background noise. The effects I used in the video are fast blur, sharpen, and change color. My plan was to give it the feel of an old silent film that give you the feel that your not entirely at what is being seen but can make out a few things.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Final Glitching

I chose to use glitch art in my final project shown in these gifs. I tried to use what can occur while watching tv on a basic televison and sometimes cable depending on your subscription how you can have a perfect clear screen during your program and then cut out on you during the most crucial of moments. The second one deals with the same scenario except in online gameplay. I used a screenshot of my gameplay of halo. Like tv in the middle of online game you can experince lag which is what the second gif represents. Even with the best of connections you can experince lag and just like tv it to can happen at the crucial of times of gameplay.

Monday, December 3, 2012


This is my final project for the A399 The Artist and New Media class. Initially, I chose the topic of Anxiety and the medium of Cinemagraphy for my study. After further investigation and consultation, I proposed a study of physiological manifestations of Anxiety and a series of Cinemagraphs. Through various trials and errors, I found that physiological manifestations of Anxiety do not lend themselves to the Cinemagraphic medium; the changes in the "filmed body" were consistently too great to function as a Cinemagraph and the represented concepts were also vague at best. The final form of this project ended with the creation of a series of four Cinemagraphs (and this short composite film) that capture physical manifestaion of specific Anxieties that many people may suffer from. Below are the indiviual Cinemagraphs:

Acidohormeanxia - Anxiety brought on by acid shock
Belonetrypanoanxia - Anxiety brought on by needle injection
Coulrofoniasoanxia - Anxiety brought on by killer clowns
Ochotraumatoanxia - Anxiety brought on by vehicular accidents

artist statement for final

My webpage is on my flash drive, but here is my artist statement for it:

For this project I explored the topic of ‘mind wandering’.  Almost everyone’s mind wanders, whether we notice it or not. It usually takes place when we are doing frequently performed tasks or something that isn’t very interesting to us. What happens is an area of our brains flips into a default mode, and in this default mode we think about things that may have happened in our past or things we want to happen now, or in the future. This occurrence in people is something that no one has really found a definitive reasoning for yet, the ambiguity and possibility of it all is what interests me.

With this piece I wanted to make the experience a personal one. So the video clips used were taken at places I have noticed my own mind wandering to. Some of them are very literal, such as the clips at the lake, a place I would frequently go to walk my dog, or hang out with my friends, but some of the clips are meant to possess more of a feeling, rather than a specific place.

 The clips of the cemetery and the counting of coins are examples of this. The cemetery because we are human and as such, our lives are temporary, so I sometimes catch my mind wandering to thoughts about what actually happens once we die, and occasionally to things that were once in my life, but no longer are; The coin clips are to symbolize how I frequently catch my mind wandering off to thoughts of money. “How much money will be on this upcoming paycheck? How much money am I going to have left after I pay my rent this month? I need a job that pays more money.” Etc. 

The photos in the background on the site are all ones that my mind also wanders to mainly because I have all good memories of these places, people, or things.

The setup of the site is meant to be pretty simple. On the homepage I have a quote from an article on mind wandering that I really enjoyed. On the second page I have the clips in my own perspective, as well as if someone else were seeing them happen. I did this because when our minds wander they can do so in both of these perspectives. Sometimes we are watching ourselves in situations, or sometimes we are actually living the situation as it replays. 

The photos have lower opacity because I wanted the photos to be a secondary focus. The clips are all on auto play because like a wandering mind, it starts on its own, and I wanted them all playing at the same time over and over because since our mind goes into its own default mode sometimes the thoughts can be sporadic or mixed with other thoughts at the same time. 

Color and Behavior on Youtube videos

For this project I used Youtube videos to illustrate the use of Color and behavior, of Youtube videos. I choose videos that illustrated behaviors and matched them up with the colors that the behavior would illustrate.

youtubebehaviorcolor2 from Tao Hoang on Vimeo.

Insomnia Art Project

insomnia3 from Michael Nespo on Vimeo.

For this project I decided to focus on the disorder of insomnia because I have been struggling with it myself for the past year. I have also always wanted to make a stop animation film "Robot Chicken" style, so I decided to try it for this project. I made the bedroom diorama from an old ibook box i found in the basement.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


In The Dark

In The Dark from Mark Sniadecki on Vimeo.

In tenebrism, light defies our conventional understanding of its physics. The artist paints only choice elements of his subjects with light, and it is not even traditional illumination, but a disembodied source that hides out of view. There are, however, places in reality where this sort of unreal vision can occur--the most alien of places, the depths. Against the deep black of outer space, or far below the ocean's surface where sunlight fails, we get this kind of lighting. And it is in such a location that I have chosen to set my little diorama of the birth, life, and death of an enigmatic form that I've simply been calling "the nodule." The piece passes in a series of brief epochs, each with its own accompanying fauna. Due to the extreme dimness it is best viewed in a completely dark room.