Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Memes = Chimps

Okay, so I finished my last remix and the next assignment was to remix it again if you feel it needed polish or redesign (which I didn't feel mine needed) or to remix someone else's project or just make another one... in two days time... between classes... between work... and (on a personal note) "make it good"  Right...
So I set out to remix other peeps remix vids.  I was leaning towards the meme heavy remixes.  They were pretty much just random mashups of memes, and I thought I would try to strings them together in a more narrative fashion, but that was going to be waaaay too time consuming given the working time parameters.  So then I found the meme song and figured I'd just actually insert the memes into it.  But that would be me just repeating their mistakes, meaning that I wouldn't be creating a new meaning through the connections at all, I'd just be re-illustrating that annoying, stupid video... annoying, stupid video... hmmm... I'm onto something.
So, after much reflecting and WTF-edness, I came up with this.  I took the audio track from the meme song video and slap a bunch of chimps at an exhibit over it.  I speed up the audio, for sanity sake and further farcical effect, and ditto with the chimp video.  So now we have a reflection of memes at their base or reflection of themselves if you will: chimps antics caught on media.  Behind every derivative in the universe, there is a base or simple truth, or set of such.  So what I've done is just basically brought meme-dom back to one of it's predecessors, or ancestors, if you will.
I would say "enjoy", but that is most definitely not the point.

Source Videos:
The GAG Quartet - le Internet Medley (OVER 40 MEMES IN ONE SONG)
Funny Chimps... so human-like

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