Monday, October 8, 2012

photoshop explorations

For this first one, I tried to see what I could do with some of the free transform controls.  I used a rectangle marquee and cut out the section I wanted as another layer.  I then used the distort and perspective functions to make it larger and make it appear as if the section was coming out of the background.  Then I used the warp function to come up with the picture below the first one.

This was originally a scene of a water canal in Venice (forgot to save original, sorry!).
I mainly used the adjustments toolbar for this.
Threshold, gradient map (green and red), hue and saturation, copy left side of composition to right side.
I didn't use a jpeg for this last one, I just opened a new workspace in photoshop and made this:
I can't remember everything I did, but I managed to get most of the effects from using oil paint, and the liquify tool.


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