When I think about how I interact with others in the digital realm it seemed very obvious (maybe too obvious) that I should use an image of my Facebook Newsfeed. Facebook has almost taken over the internet. Even to make a soundcloud and photobucket profiles I signed up with my Facebook account and the websites automatically linked me to my Facebook friends. So even away from the main Facebook page, Facebook links me to my friends and our hobbies in the digital realm. Disrupting this image shows us that our "personal" interactions on Facebook are really just a combination of data. This is interesting because face to face interaction can't really be disrupted because there is no middle-man interpreting our words and signals but when interacting through Facebook there is something working to interpret our interactions for us.
I glitched a screenshot of my Facebook Newsfeed by changing the text in TextEditor and importing the photo to Audacity. The different images seen in the animated GIF are a mixture and combination of those two data moshings. I also imported a severely glitched photo into Audacity and saved it as an audio file to go along with the GIF.
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