Sunday, September 16, 2012

Destroyed meaning... or is it?

How do I exist, with others, in a digital realm?  Not too comfortably, I assure you.  It's not that I don't get it or that I'm not on the curve, but rather that I'm too aware of it.  I'm aware of the digital world's imperfections and how we let it overconsistently use and abuse us; damaging senses, perceptions, emotions, etc. all in the pursuit of something "easier."  But I'm a tolerant person; I can understand and appreciate it while completely disagreeing with it.  So much so that I've chosen to pursue a career in the digital field.  Long before we were ruled by the almighty 0's and 1's we were ruled by the almighty dollar; something so terribly powerful that it commands the respect of everyone in the civilized world, and thus I will let my career be dictated by both.
All of this existential survivalist crap aside, I took my inspirations from my compressed / hidden rage I feel for the digital realm.  I gathered images of damaged sensory organs, communicative appendages and extension in use, images of expressive digital usage rage, and created rage memes and wordpad-ed them to initially glitch them.  Then I placed them in a collage.  Satisfaction level: meh.


But that was only a false realization.  So I interrupted them and reassembled them, so what?  The digital realm is constantly in a varying state of flex; a never ending pursuit of composition and decomposition.  So why not push that too?  I took the collage, and then I rotated-wordpaded-flipped-wordpaded-etc. to make further glitching of this collage, creating a sequence of decay.  And finally, to mimic the constant flex, I drew numbers out of a hat (a very old school "analog" glitch creator!) and sequenced them into a .gif, letting the various states of the collage flex in and out of random states of glitchedness (I may or may not have just made that last word up, but I think by now, we all understand what I'm trying to say), much like the digital realm.  Satisfaction level: copacetic.

Now for the big enchilada: "How have these interruptions in discourse changed the conversation?"  Honestly, I think all it has done is made the message come full circle.  I am enraged by what the digital realm communicates on several levels but I do what I have to to mask it.  These applied "interruptions" give another dimension to my frustration and create something that fully encompasses those ideas and expresses them in a completely different, yet all to familiar way.

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