Monday, September 10, 2012

Glitch Art

"First Broken Window"

I actually can't believe how perfectly this turned out, with the fish just rising above the surface of the digital "water", and the colors dispersed pleasingly... The Wordpad file actually crashed as I was trying to save this, which is what caused the error--I don't believe I even got around to changing any of the code itself, so this is a really spontaneous event, created by the computer having difficulty writing the file information. Where my hand (choice) did come into the picture was when I decided to close out the process that was running incorrectly--and I can't help wondering if I'd waited a second longer, maybe the whole image would have been swallowed up in the kind of distortion that appears in the lower half of the piece.

I chose a Windows 7 desktop image as my starting point because I was having so much trouble getting something to glitch in that OS.

Starting image

Full-size view of result 

Also, I found this interesting (from

Origin of GLITCH

perhaps from Yiddish glitsh slippery place, from glitshn (zikh) to slide, glide; akin to Old High German glÄ«tan to glide — more at glide
First Known Use: 1962


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