Monday, September 3, 2012

Found Connections

For this assignment the first thing that popped into my mind was how many people use the internet or technology to connect with others. What interests me about this though, is that we have gone from connecting with others via email, or chat just until we can see that person in real life again, to now being able to connect with virtual 'people' that we can entirely create ourselves (such as sims). For some people now, the reality of touching someone, or seeing someone in person isn't even necessary to feel connected to others. This not only applies to sims or second life, but even social networking. You can be 'friends' with someone via facebook, and never have met them in your entire life. 

 We have emoticons to replicate our own emotions, people who love their computers more than actual real-life people, websites devoted to people taking screen shots of their sims and narrating a whole book on the lives of the sims as if they're real, websites where you can literally conduct a 'second life'... creating yourself to be who you can't be in reality, and even sayings that originate from the web such as adding a hashtag '#foreveralone' to things, that now people actually use in real life... "Hashtag! Sorry! I'm not sorry!"...Which, on a side note, drives me insane.

Of course, I'm not saying that everyone who plays the sims is completely disconnected to reality, it is just interesting that we seek human connections so often, yet now, often times, the means in which we do so is via a keyboard and a screen. I decided to use a GIF for this mainly because I wanted practice with them, but I could easily expand this idea into something that would probably be more in depth.

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