Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Iphone 5 Review

For this assignment I chose to basically create a satire mocking the new iphone 5 and all the madness being shown through media about it. I decided to do this because lately I feel like all I've been reading about online (ESPECIALLY in my facebook newsfeed) is something to do with apple or iphone 5. This is funny to me because from what I've observed everyone wants it because it is "faster" or because it has a completely new design (...except not really), or because it is just BETTER.

I feel like what connects a lot of apple fanboys and girls, is the fact that they like it simply because it is an apple product. Which is I guess what I was trying to say through the video.

Droid has had faster, new designs, bigger screens, etc for years now, and apple is always playing catch up with the iphone because they only release a new iphone once a year. That, is the exact reason people go crazy over the new iphone, it only happens once a year and it is an apple product. What diehard apple iphone users sometimes fail to realize is that, like EVERY other cell phone, the iphone has its flaws, downfalls, etc.

In the video I basically wanted to sarcastically point out all the "new" additions to the iphone, that have already been released for a while by other cell phone manufacturers, and then point out the current flaws that people have been having with it. I want to point out too, that this is mostly for fun, and I do obviously use apple products, I think apple is great, but the madness that ensues when apple releases things, is really comical to me. :)

here are the links to the videos I used:

Iphone5 review from Katie Nestorovich on Vimeo.

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