Sunday, September 30, 2012

Welcome To The Future

Welcome To The Future from Mark Sniadecki on Vimeo.

A YouTube remix about the inconstancy of technological relevance, and how today's sleek and stylish machine is invariably tomorrow's sputtering gadget. Sometime, a hundred years from now maybe, all technology will be indistinguishable from clear water. Just going to throw that out there.

I selected my videos based on three criteria: the most modern examples of high technology (of which the iPhone is the primary icon), vintage videos lauding what were then current technological advances, and humorously conjectural videos from the past (in the form of the Jetsons, and Tex Avery's "world of tomorrow" cartoons). The audio/video splices were mostly done with juxtaposition in mind, with the vintage audio laying under the new, slickly-produced commerical video. But that was not a hard and fast rule, and in some places it was simply placed where it felt most appropriate.

Source videos:

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